Sunday, 1 April 2012

Beauty Basics | Avon makeup brushes

Hello all!

Firstly I'd like to say hello to my new followers, thanks for joining me :)
And secondly I wanna say Happy April! Over the past week we've been having good weather in the UK (however, I think it's over for the time being) But the good weather we did have has got me excited about summer - I can't wait.

Anyway, I'm gonna share with you some makeup brushes that I've recently bought from Avon.

My mum has been shopping at Avon for a long time, and now I've got into it. My aunty was a representative, then my neighbour and now my sisters work colleague.

All over face brush - £4

This brush is so soft and quite big. I'll use it to apply blush or a finishing powder over my foundation. I could also use it to blend my foundation...

Eye shadow brush and smudger - £3

I think this is genius lol. One side to apply eye shadow and the other to smudge eyeliner for a smokey look. What more could you ask for? :P

Mini kabuki brush - £3

I've used this to blend my concealer and I'll use it to blend my foundation.

The eye shadow and kabuki brush I bought at a discounted price (I can't remember the original prices). However, I think they are all a reasonable price and do their job well. The brushes are really soft and I like that they're black. I have some models own brushes that are white/coloured tips and I don't really like that, you can see how dirty they are!



  1. Hey Nkechi

    I Haven't been on ur blog in a while... i hope all is well with u and HAPPY APRIL!!!

    I tagged you in my 11 Question Tag and i can't wait for ur response :)


    1. Hey Kami, happy April to you too!
      I'll definitely answer your questions as soon as I can :) x

  2. Never thought about looking on AVON for make up brushes, Glad i read this post. Awesome blog, your newest follower :)



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